Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I Don't Have Time

I don't have time today. Isn't that such a feeble excuse that is used so many times. This morning I feel something stirring within that wants to come out as words: a poem, a reflection, or just a memo.... I don't know. But, alas, there is also the rush of the schedule for the day; things to do; obligations to meet. The thoughts, once repressed, will likely not come again, at least not the same, maybe in some other form, but not the same. It has happened before. I will wait until I have time... but then the thoughts get lost in my busyness, and never come again. So, I will sacrifice the thoughts of reflection this morning on the altar of expediency.
And I wonder: what else do I sacrifice on this altar which calls so often for my devotion? Other than thoughts and reflections; maybe opportunities; maybe relationships. Will they come again? Likely not; at least, not exactly the same; something will be lost.


  1. I know this feeling all to well. Where do those wonderful words/thoughts go? I'm trying to make my early morning my time to exercise God's calling to write.

  2. I think I have built most of my life around "I don't have time today." There are so many things I want to do verses things I think I need to do. I am a teacher. I need to spend hours grading papers. But this work often interferes with my need to spend time with my children, one in college, one in middle school. Before I know it, they also will not have "time today." Our children grow up; we grow old. Time passes so quickly. I have a God-inspired idea that I need to write, but I have work tomorrow. I guess I should pray for the opportunity and take it, even if it means cutting out TV time or Facebook. :-) (My wasteful guilty pleasures)

  3. Tee, thank you for taking the time to even read some of my blog, and then to make comment; that is very encouraging. I don't consider myself a writer, never have been, don't know anything about writing really. But a couple of years ago I began waking up early in the mornings with these poems in my head. I found that if I did not get up and write them down, I would not be able to later, I would forget them. So, I started getting up as soon as I realized something was coming together in my mind. As I started out writing these thoughts and feelings, new things started happening to me; there was a desire to write about things I had only thought about before; and as I wrote these things I found myself thinking about things that I had not thought about before. I have been very reluctant to share what I write down just because I am outside of my element. As an engineer, I am trained to deal in facts and such, not so much in feelings. Before I get lengthy here, I will stop and just say that it is very special to have someone with your credentials take note of my newly found blog. Thank You.
