Saturday, February 25, 2012

My Wife, My Love, My Life

Unfortunately, we men, most of the time, or until its too late, don't fully realize the true gift which God has given to us. It isn't our manhood, for that is fragile; it isn't our strength, for that will fade; it certainly isn't our looks, for those too will become a thing of the past. No, it isn't any of these, but it is the woman which He has put into our lives. A woman, a lover, a friend, a counselor, an advisor, and much, much more, He has packaged for us into one beautiful person. How we treat that person; how we respect her; how we love her; will determine whether she will be able to completely fulfill each and all of these roles given to her, designed for us. Each day I am able to see a little more of my wonderful gift; more of who she is; more of how she loves me; more of how much richer my life is because of her. My encouragement to those men who are walking the path of life a few years behind me would be to open you eyes; look deeply into this priceless gift; treasure her beyond all other things which He has given you. If you do, you, too, will find that she has been gifted and fitted especially for you.
I wrote the following a few years ago in reflection of the years gone by and in anticipation of the years to come. It expressed my feelings then, and all the more so now.

I am not sure how much I understood of love
when I was eighteen, twenty, or even twenty-two.
I know that I liked that you liked me...
you accepted me, you were my friend.
I am not quite sure why you liked me,
but you showed me in all kinds of small ways.
I could have no doubt that I was "special" to you.
This young love continued to grow
as I learned more about you...
who you are, what you are.
We shared our dreams of what we wanted in life.
We completed our love together
as we began our life as husband and wife.
Children expanded our love and caused it
to grow even more.
I learned much from you as I saw you
teach our children, care for them, and
show them how to live their life.
Your patience, your steadfastness, understanding,
calmness even in turmoil.
They learned well, as is now apparent.
I have learned, but not quite as well.
You still show me what it is like
to be a friend.
I haven't learned, or at least applied,
these actions as well as I need. But
I am still learning.
If I loved you at nineteen for what you
did for me and would do for me,
then I love you all the more at fifty-nine
because of what you have done for me
and what you continue to do for me
every day.
I love you because you are still
my friend...
because you not only care for me,
but you have devoted your live to us...
my family is your family. You love them;
you make them feel special because of your
thoughts expressed in your actions toward them.
So, how can I make our days together
something for you?
After all you have done for me.
How can I be the friend to you
that you have been to me all these years?
How can I show you how much I love you?
These are the questions I continue to ask myself.
As usual, I need your help in finding the answer.

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