Sunday, February 19, 2012

Man’s Greatest Folly

We haven't had much of a winter this year, but today reminds me a bit of our 2010 winter. Remember 2010 January and February? As I sat looking out my favorite window that February morning, I wrote the following thoughts. I read them again this morning, and although we may not have the kind of winter we had in 2010 here in the US, just ask Europe and especially Eastern Europe about global warming right now. This is not a policical statement, but a statement on man's self-sufficiency; on a dependency on our own knowledge; on our failure to recognize who is actually in control of this great creation.

February 7, 2010
I haven’t heard so much talk out of Washington lately about Global Warming. While digging out of two feet of snow, seeing record low temps and record high snowfalls across most of the country, it may be a bit of a reminder that we are not really in control. Who says that God has no sense of humor? There must be a chuckle in His heart as he sees us scurrying around trying to explain all the phenomena, as if explaining would somehow imply knowledge and knowledge might suggest some measure of control. He chuckles as he sees us realize that we have no control; that our knowledge is faulty; and, perhaps, even that our explanations may be in error. All knowledge and all science is contained within the One true source of Creative Power. All other knowledge is, simply, vain. For the true scientist must first acknowledge that He exists. Then even the mysterious becomes clear; not the knowledge of the mystery itself, but the knowledge of the fact of the mystery becomes clear. For we may marvel at the accumulation of knowledge of man; we may be in awe of the power of the cranial organ with which we have been endowed; we may yet wonder at the vastness, greatness, and precision of the universe itself. But to lift up and to bow down to the created at the expense of the Creator Himself is, indeed, man’s greatest folly. And, how much more foolish, to hold in esteem the creation of the creation; whether it be tradition, culture,  social order, or pseudoscience,  “worshipping” our own creations, as a result of our great knowledge must be the epitome of ignorance. Thus, our knowledge has brought us full circle!

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